One of the most dreadful diseases is cancer. It’s not just a matter of individuals. Still, many pet owners are surprised when they discover that their pet suffers from cancer. Furthermore, in recent years it’s become more prevalent for dogs. You can do some things to prevent your dog from getting this condition. So, what exactly are those items?

How to Effectively Prevent Dog Cancer

Cancers of dogs are the most common of all domesticated pets. In fact, one out of four dogs will be affected by cancer. There are a variety of breeds of dogs that have inheritable risk factors. However, despite the dangers your dog may face, it is possible to do what you can to help keep them cancer-free. You can follow six steps to prevent your pets from developing cancer. These steps are listed below.

1. Set a dog exercise.

Dogs require frequent exercise to maintain their health. Research shows that exercise boosts immunity to various illnesses, including cancer. Pets who are overweight are twice as likely as their healthy counterparts to develop cancer. Exercise can help pets become more involved in training and allow them to sleep well. You can see other cancer prevention and treatment details by visiting this link.

2. Provide them with clean water.

Ensure your pet is kept away from stagnant water in puddles on the street, as it may contain harmful substances that can cause cancer. Keep your pet’s water bowl clean and fresh every day. Clean water boosts your pet’s appetite and protects against parasites and pests that can be transmitted from dirty water.

3. Do not expose them to chemicals.

Dogs are exposed every day to numerous carcinogens known to cause cancer. But, by keeping them away from herbicides, pesticides, and cigarettes, it is possible to ensure that they don’t develop cancer due to chemical exposure. Choose non-toxic items instead of harmful things for your home and your yard, and make sure your pet stays away from smoking secondhand cigarettes. Above all, avoid applying unnatural products for fleas to your pet, as numerous flea collars, sprays and shampoos are contaminated with toxic chemicals.

4. Keep them away from the sun.

While all dogs can get burned, light-haired and short-haired can be more likely to get skin cancer because of excessive sun exposure. Sunblock is essential for dogs as well as their owners. To shield your dog from the sun’s UV rays, apply a few on their nose and ears. There are common types of cancers on this page if you are interested in knowing its nature and treatment. 

5. Neuter and spay your pet.

Neutering or spaying your dog lowers the chances of your dog developing breast cancer in females and testicular cancer in neutered men. Spaying your dog reduces the chance of mammary (breast) cancer. It prevents conception, uterine infection (pyometra), cervical, and ovarian cancer. These issues could put their life at risk. This eliminates the need to have a male partner every six months and the hassle of dealing with unwanted attention from them.

6. Visit a veterinary clinic regularly.

Make regular visits to a veterinary hospital Long Island for regular cancer screenings and examinations for you and your pet. Cancer can be quickly treated when it is detected early. This can greatly enhance the chance of your dog surviving the disease. A veterinarian suggests that dogs over seven years old undergo a checkup at least every six months. For puppies, the annual checkup is an excellent preventive measure.