Acupuncture has been utilized successfully by people for over 5,000 years. Acupuncture in horses goes back to 136 A.D., so it’s barely shocking that pet acupuncture has a long history. So be ascertained, it’s a tried-and-true choice (or treatment along with) typical medication. So what are the particular benefits of acupuncture procedures for pets?

Pet Acupuncture Benefits

Pet acupuncture is swiftly becoming a well-accepted treatment for different diseases, including arthritis and allergic reaction. It can even be beneficial to your animals. Most individuals are familiar with the benefits of acupuncture for people. Even yet, several don’t actually know how it works or how it benefits our pets. It has to be done frequently to maintain their back muscles in good condition. Getting regular acupuncture keeps your pet topped up and in fighting shape.

Safe Procedure

Acupuncture is a risk-free treatment. However, make sure you see somebody totally qualified and experienced to conduct a cat and dog exam before treating animals. Depending on the problem and how your pet reacts, a program of four to six weekly therapies is typically advised, followed by a maintenance treatment every four to six weeks.


Numerous professionals provide inexpensive and enjoyable services. Additionally, acupuncture can nearly regularly be claimed on pet insurance if the undergoing therapy for your pet is covered by the policy. You can visit this link for more information about pet acupuncture.


It may be somewhat unpleasant, to start with, if a muscle is sore or spasming. Even so, placing a pin into the strained area needs to directly loosen up that muscle, offering relief to your pet. On the other hand, many pets withstand needle placement extremely well and feel comfy.

During therapies, some animals might also go asleep. It’s typically a sign that your animals will respond well to acupuncture if they sleep during or after the treatment. However, just because your pets do not fall asleep does not signify there will certainly be no response.

Quick and Effective

A normal acupuncture procedure lasts between twenty minutes and half an hour. The initial examination will be lengthier for your vet to obtain your animal’s full medical history and assess. Before your first session, you will almost certainly require to call your usual vet surgeon to obtain approval for therapy.

Afterward, you might notice a change. People often say that their demeanor improves before their mobility enhances. Any improvements will normally last three days following the initial session. Treatments afterward should give you longer-lasting effects. You can search the web for “dog acupuncture near me” if you want to schedule a therapy in a vet hospital in your area for your dog.

Disease Proven Cure

Pet acupuncture is largely utilized to deal with musculoskeletal pains, such as arthritic, post-orthopedic surgery, and back pain. However, it can treat some skin ailments, such as allergic skin disease, and some functional problems, such as recurring constipation in felines and irritable bowel syndrome in canines. It can also deal with numerous cancer treatments’ negative effects, remove incontinence, and even reduce epileptic episodes.


As more dog owners consider acupuncture to soothe their animals’ discomfort, it’s essential to ensure that proper pre-acupuncture tests are carried out by a vet. Acupuncture does not resolve all issues. As a matter of fact, it can make your animal’s condition even worse if the procedure is not done by professionals.

Contact a veterinarian before considering acupuncture as a healing treatment for your animals. This makes certain that your animal will be checked for any other ailments that might impact the treatment results before doing the procedure.